1. Can you explain trauma in a simple way?

Of course.

EMDR Dallas for men

Trauma is your emotional response to a terrible thing that may happen to you or to someone else while you witness it.

When you experience something too intense and upsetting, the processing function of your brain collapses.

Your ability to make sense of “what happened to me” is blocked.

To survive, your brain locks away upsetting images, feelings, and thoughts. But the intense sensations of the trauma are trapped in the body. Yes, your body remembers them.

Naturally your body and mind try to recover from trauma on their own. But they can’t do it successfully when the remnants of the past are still there and left unaddressed.

Your body still remembers the sensations of the trauma. It connects the dots by linking those sensations to the stored upsetting images and emotions in the past.

When a seemingly normal event happens in the present, yet brings up the same or similar sensations that were stored away during the trauma, you may experience “being back in that moment” and unknowingly activate your fight-or-flight response.

Over time, this broken feedback loop affects everything you do. Work. School. Life. And relationships.


2. How can EMDR Therapy help?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a powerful therapy model for treating trauma, PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

EMDR is different from talk therapy in which the focus is not on learning the ins and outs of the traumatic memory. The goal is to help your brain resume its natural healing process.

By helping you “unlock" the troubling images, feelings, and thoughts in your brain, you can now tell your "fear center" that it’s okay to rest and relax.

Once healed, you still remember what happened to you. But your body and mind have learned to resolve the trauma. You can gain control over your thoughts and feelings as a result. 

Read more about how EMDR Therapy can help you heal from your trauma by clicking here.


3. Who can benefit from EMDR?

Michelle Turner - EMDR Dallas

EMDR Therapy can be used to treat children and adults of all ages.

However, there may be a pre-screening process that EMDR therapists use to determine if EMDR Therapy is a good fit for you and your mental health conditions.

At my practice, I specialize in EMDR and Trauma Counseling for millennials.

I care about your safety. It’s why I am proactive in pre-screening to make sure that you have a positive experience with your trauma work.


4. What can EMDR be used to treat?

A wide range of mental health issues including: anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, PTSD, depression, dissociation, and etc. Check out emdria.org for a full list of issues that can be addressed in EMDR treatment.

EMDR / Trauma Counseling for Millennials in Dallas specializing in:

  • Childhood Trauma

  • Attachment Trauma

  • Dating/Relationship Trauma

  • Sexual Trauma

  • Anxiety

  • Performance Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Grief and loss



Michelle Turner, Couple Counselor and Trauma Therapist | Dallas, TX

Michelle Turner, Couple Counselor and Trauma Therapist | Dallas, TX

Send us a message here. We’ll get back to you within 48 hours to answer your question(s) and help you schedule your first appointment!

* Please note that I prioritize your confidentiality. By submitting this form, you understand that I may respond by any of the contact information you leave me. Thank you!


Couple Therapy, Premarital Counseling, Relationship Counseling, EMDR and Trauma Therapy

In Dallas & Throughout Texas via Online Counseling